Encounter with a ferocious tiger ... and then with Jesus!

Five members of a Bibles for Mideast team—including our dear Pastor Paul—have just returned from spending a week of prayer and fasting in the jungle home of a fellow we’ll call Omar*, who had lost one of his legs in a vicious tiger attack.

Omar and some of his friends had headed out into the deep jungle to hunt, as they often did, for animals, birds, wild honey and various edible fruits. Some of their bounty would help feed their families, the rest they sold in nearby villages and towns.

On this fateful day, however, a fiercely aggressive tiger leapt out of hiding and attacked the hunters, killing one and seriously injuring Omar. Forest rangers on duty managed to rescue Omar, rushing him to the nearest hospital where medics did all they could to help and stabilize him, but, unfortunately, could not save his tattered leg.

One of those rescuing forest rangers ‘just happened’ to be an ALG church member (Assemblies of Loving God, or ALG, being the umbrella group of Bibles for Mideast churches) as well as a volunteer evangelist with Bibles for Mideast. So he prayed for and with Omar, telling him Jesus is the mighty Savior and Healer. While Omar did not accept the words of the forest ranger about Jesus and stuck instead to his Islamic faith, he kept quiet since the ranger was so good and helpful to him.

When Omar shifted to his home from the hospital, the same forest ranger often visited him for prayer and further sharing of the gospel. Omar’s wife and children joyously came to faith in Jesus, but soon became concerned when Omar began expressing his desire to die and end all his pain and discomfort. Only because of the family’s interest and insistence did the team decide on their ‘mission trip’ to their jungle home.

In spite of heavy rains, thunder and lightning for the entirety of the team’s stay, Pastor Paul calls the trip “tremendous.” Omar’s family’s home is, according to Pastor Paul, “a muddy house with grass roofing and no facilities to stay five people, not even bathroom facilities.”

Still, he says, “we enjoyed everything because of the love of Jesus.” Many in the area, both Hindus and Muslims, joined them for the times of prayer and fasting.

During one of those sessions, the Lord Jesus touched Omar palpably, giving him tremendous relief from pain and uneasiness. Now he could sit straight up in his bed! Since the tiger attack and the loss of his leg he had been completely prone in bed but now, for the first time, he could sit up comfortably.

With the supernatural relief came a solid and certain faith in Jesus. Further, hundreds of jungle people who attended the sessions came to faith in Jesus as well.

On the final day of prayer and fasting, 27 believers received baptism. Praise be to God as He adds daily to His Kingdom!

Please pray for these people. Pray as well that Omar can soon be fitted with an artificial leg, and that these many new believers find a place for meeting, worship and prayer.
*Name changed for security reasons