Finding Jesus (and trouble) in Saudi Arabia

After one of our Bibles for Mideast missionary couples shared some sample Gospel literature with the daughter of a Saudi Arabian Mutawa (religious police officer), the girl began arguing with the couple. Her and her family’s belief that Allah is only one God, and Islam the only religion leading the way to heaven was all there was to it, she insisted.

The kindly couple explained how Jesus alone saves from sin and death, and gives eternal life to those believing in him. They shared their own powerful testimony of receiving Jesus Christ from Islam.

The young woman, ultimately convinced they must be telling the Truth, received Jesus as her personal Savior and Lord. The couple gave her a Bible and very secretly, she began attending worship services with them, and soon was baptized.

As any of us would do with wonderful, life-changing news, she shared what she had experienced with her mother, two sisters and brother. They all believed her and now trust in Jesus.

Unfortunately for them, however, Ramadan had just begun. So for the first time, this mother and her four children refused to ‘follow the rules’: they didn’t fast; they partook of none of the ritual prayers. Instead, they spent time reading and meditating on Bible verses and praying in the Spirit, Truth and Name of Jesus.

Word of their salvation and ‘misbehavior’ spread. When one of the official’s other wives heard the news, she let her husband and others in the household know (the man has four other wives and many other children, and is considered a leader among the numerous Mutawa in the country).

When community leaders found out, they insisted the woman and her children deny Jesus. But they refused, continuing to read their Bible and pray in Spirit and in Truth.

Enraged, the Mutawa along with others in the house brutally beat the wife and children, then locked them in a dark room without food or water.

As the days went on, they all tried desperately to get the Mutawa’s first wife, her three daughters and son back into the Islamic fold. Though the new Christians remained locked up in the dark room without food or water and often brutally beaten, they kept strong in their new faith.

Five days later, the Mutawa brought his ‘infidel’ wife and children before the Sharia Court (Religious Court of Islam). The judge demanded they deny Jesus and return to Islam.

“We experienced the salvation of Jesus,” the woman replied confidently.

“We are absolutely convinced he was crucified for our sins on the cross of Calvary, died for us and rose from the dead. He lives now in our hearts!

“When we were locked up in a dark room for five days, we felt the presence of Jesus Christ; we didn’t feel darkness at all! Though my husband, co-sisters and their children refused to give us food or water, we never even felt hunger or thirst. Through the Word of God, our Lord fed us heavenly food. So because of Him, we are still strong. Whatever happens, we will never return to Islam. Jesus is our everlasting Life now and forever.” 

Her children all responded similarly.

The court ultimately ordered that each be sent to a separate prison cell and be assigned an Islamic scholar to teach them properly about Islam, the Koran and the Hadith (teachings of the prophet Muhammad). In two months they are set to appear again before the court for a final judgement. 

PLEASE PRAY for this imprisoned mother and her four children. Our Lord is a mighty and wonderful protector. May He make them Godly weapons in His Kingdom.