Challenging but victorious mission trip to Tamil Nadu
/Pastor Paul recently led a secretive and dangerous evangelical mission to the southernmost Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
“The ministry was successful and many people accepted Lord Jesus as their personal savior and Lord!” he reports, and thanks all who prayed.
An evangelist working with PAstor Paul
As in the rest of India, the vast majority of the population of Tamil Nadu follow Hinduism, with Christians and Muslims forming small religious minorities. Christians face persecution on all sides, from Hindus, Muslims, police and government officials.
With so much persecution and so many resulting restrictions, we cannot reveal much about the exact locations and details of this latest adventure, except to thank and praise the Lord for His help and guidance as so many new citizens joined the heavenly ranks.
“We badly need prayers and support from the children of God for our precious ministries,” Pastor Paul adds.
Baptisms in Tamil Nadu church and river