Life is like a rainbow: You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear
/As anyone following the news knows, the war against COVID-19 rages in almost every country and region on the globe. Some more densely populated places have been hit the hardest, New York City among them.
Not a region we usually ‘cover’, but a photo taken a few days ago by a woman in Long Island, NY has garnered deserving attention by a world weary of fighting in the prolonged darkness. What more wonderful symbolism than this: a quadruple rainbow. the rarest rainbow of them all!
Photo: Amanda Curtis
According to meteorologists, what Curtis actually saw was a double-double rainbow; that is, a double rainbow reflected in the sky due to a smooth body of water beneath it and behind her as she gazed up. Which makes at no less wondrous!
Those overarching colors of the spectrum always signify promise: the rain does end, the clouds do break up, the sun remains even if partially hidden … and will soon burst forth. Its peeking through even while the clouds and rain remain produces such an unlikely arc of brilliance and color even the most unbelieving heart has to smile at the show.
Biblically, the rainbow was to be a sign of God’s covenant of love between Himself and all living creatures on earth. No more village-sized wooden arks would be needed for flood protection.
A few great rainbow quotes:
“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.”
―G.K. Chesterton
“No vision and you perish;
No ideal, and you're lost;
Your heart must ever cherish
Some faith at any cost.
Some hope, some dream to cling to,
Some rainbow in the sky,
Some melody to sing to,
Some service that is high.”
―Harriet Du Autermont
“Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.”
―John Shirley
And finally:
“Don't miss all the beautiful colors of the rainbow looking for that pot of gold!”