“Bibles for Mideast” is an underground ministry serving the Middle East and several nearby countries. A total of 17 nations make up the Middle East, with an estimated population of 411 million (as of 2016). While Islam remains the largest religion, thousands of people secretly believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Living in mostly highly restricted areas, they hunger and thirst for the Word of God.
By God’s grace, we distribute bibles free of charge and establish house churches for new believers. We have volunteer ministers and a number of gospel teams in the Middle East and some other countries in Asia and Africa.
Many of our gospel team members have converted to Christianity from Islam, and operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Experienced in effective personal evangelism, they also conduct crusades and pastor house churches.
We are an underground ministry serving the Middle East and a number of nearby countries. A total of 17 nations make up the Middle East alone, with an estimated population of 411 million (as of 2016). While Islam remains the largest religion in the region, thousands of people secretly believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Living in mostly highly restricted areas, they hunger and thirst for the Word of God. By God’s grace, we distribute bibles free of charge, and establish house churches for new believers.
We have volunteer ministers and a number of gospel teams in this area and other countries in south Asia and Africa. Many of our gospel team members have converted to Christianity from Islam, some from Hinduism, and all operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Experienced in effective personal evangelism, they also conduct crusades and pastor house churches.
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Reflections on the Cross of Christ: the crux of history
Boy’s dramatic dream of wounded lamb leads to salvation of his Islamic terrorist father
Warrior angels just one factor in many connected radical salvations
Former Hindu ‘snake goddess’ now powerful witness to Jesus
Muslim father kills daughter; Jesus raises her from the dead
Stoned by terrorists, protected by a lion!
Mohammed finds Jesus in Mecca!
Terrorists JOIN church after Jesus terrorizes their plan to burn it down!
Jesus was born, that
we might be born again.
He became poor, that
we might possess wealth.
He became homeless, that
we might have a mansion.
He was stripped, that
we might always have clothes.
He was forsaken, that
we always should have friends.
He was bound, that
we might have perfect liberty.
He was saddened, that
we might have full joy.
He descended, that
we should be lifted up.
He became a servant, that
we might be sons forever.
He was made sin, that
we should share
His righteousness.
He died, that
we should not taste
eternal death.
He will come down, that
we might go up.
All of this—that
He might display in us
the riches of His grace,
and so we can dwell
with God in heaven.
Have you given
your heart to Jesus?
If not, allow Him
to come into your heart.
Accept Him
As your Lord and Savior
with your heart and mouth.
Our Lord Jesus’ return
is very near.
Be ready to receive Him.
Amen! Amen! And amen!
“The numbers of God’s people who are suffering should mean the Church is dying—that Christians are keeping quiet, losing their faith, and turning away from one another,” says David Curry, president and CEO of Open Doors USA.
“But that’s not what’s happening!” he continues. “Instead, in living color, we see the words of God recorded in the prophet Isaiah:
‘I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert’” (Isa. 43:19, ESV).
Espresso in exile!
A Cyprus café ministry has both irritated local authorities. and is inspiring imitators in the Muslim world.
Read about the ingenious ministry here.
Ministers in Ukraine Are ‘Ready to Meet God at Any Moment’
Pastors and church leaders who stayed behind serve as if every day might be their last.
“I plant secret house churches because I was saved into one.”
How an Iranian teenager found Christ and launched a mission to equip persecuted believers.
Four things persecuted Christians can teach us about gratitude — Open Doors
“I grew up a fervent evangelist for Islam. Now I’m living out the Book of Acts.” —An astonishing story of the son of an Imam, as told to Christianity Today.
OUR LIFELINE: “The Bible is the rope God throws us in order to ensure that we stay connected while the rescue is in progress.” [Revisiting an old article by J.I. Packer, new citizen of heaven]
He prayed for the death of Christians and Jews then learned to love Jesus and others through Christians’ love for him — Christianity Today
Transformed! Former drug smuggler now Bible smuggler and secret pastor — Open Doors
Muslims in Northern Iraq embracing Christianity thanks to witness of their young children — The Gospel Herald
Kenyan boy and his mom find “a love that does not exist in Islam” — Samaritan's Purse
Jesus rescues Christians AND Muslims: an astonishing tale from the Middle East straight from the book of Acts — three Bibles for Mideast stories in one, from a Canadian Anglican site
Finding Sobriety—and Jesus—in Vietnam’s Christian Drug Rehabs
The country’s church-run addiction centers are so effective that communist officials are taking notice!
— by Angela Lu Fulton, Southeast Asia editor for Christianity Today