Trust in Christ, not religion

By Pastor Paul, Director, Bibles for Mideast

To know and trust Christ is Christianity.
It is not an ‘ism’ of religion, but the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE …
and the only way to salvation!

Something to believe and do is religion.
Religion doesn't change hearts,
nor is concerned about lost souls.
It promotes Christ without having HIS spirit.

Religion offers the approval of men rather than Christ.
Religion makes hypocrites of us,
makes a hard life harder,
makes it easy to deceive ourselves.

Jesus died for a relationship w you best.jpg

Religion hides the key of knowledge,
and leads its converts astray.
Religion leads to fanaticism that grows violence and terrorism.
Religion is not true Christianity.

Christianity encourages all to find Peace,
It teaches love for one another and for all fellow beings.
It guides us to serve others as our Lord Jesus demonstrated
and our forefathers followed.
It makes us happy to pass it on to the generations.

Lord Jesus Christ, help us be saints rather than slaves of religion
that we may walk with You
and be proud to be called children of God
and citizens of Heaven