Muslim extremist stabs pastors; their love and forgiveness lead him and his family to Jesus
/Report: Bibles for Mideast
cutting the fingers and hands of a man caught reading the Bible
Al-Farooqi (name changed for security reasons), 37, had been a fanatic and faithful Middle Eastern follower of Islam his whole life. He strongly believed the whole world should be ruled according to Islamic Sharia law, and anyone not following Sharia must be killed.
In his twenties, he worked with the Taliban, destroying churches and temples and killing scores of people. He seemed consumed with shedding the blood of ‘infidels’. Seriously injured when the US army attacked his Taliban base, he managed to escape and fled back to his native city. He still limps from the damage caused by the bombing.
He had a special enmity toward Christians. Whenever he met one, he would immediately slap them. It was his pledge, as was keeping a large knife ever with him.
Several weeks ago, two Bibles for Mideast pastors met him along the road, gave him a sample gospel and started talking to him about Jesus. They of course had no idea who he was or about his past; they simply saw and attempted to engage a handicapped man walking alone.
Farooqi exploded in anger. His eyes reddened and he shook with fury.
“Allahu Akbar!” he screamed, tearing up the gospel literature they’d given him. He then grabbed his knife and lunged at them several times. Both pastors sustained injuries, but by God’s grace the wounds weren’t too serious.
While furiously stabbing the pastors, Farooqi lost the grip on the knife. It flew from his hand down to his one undamaged leg, tearing into it violently. With blood spewing out like a gusher, he fell to the ground, crying out in agony.
The pastors moved quickly to form tourniquets out of their handkerchiefs and attempted to bandage him up. At first he wouldn’t let them near him. The men had to force first aid on him, and managed to at least partially stop the flow of blood. They then hailed a taxi and took him to the nearest hospital. Once medical staff had applied proper bandaging and given him several injections, the pastors brought him back to his own home.
On the way there from the hospital, they told him the parable of the Good Samaritan [from Luke 10:25-37].
“This was what Jesus taught us to do,” they explained. “We are simply following what He says.” Farooqi listened but seemed totally uninterested.
When the pastors left, he refused to smile at or even thank them. They could tell he was still angry. Yet the next day, backed up by prayer, they went back to the home. While his family members were happy they returned, Farooqi refused to speak to them.
Two days later, the prayerful, persistent pastors again paid a visit. They helped him untie his bandages and apply new ones. Other family members grew fonder of the Christian leaders, but not until their fourth stopover did Farooqui finally speak, thanking them. While they knew he’d done it under the compulsion of his family, they became regular visitors. Farooqi eventually began to enjoy the visits, and as they talked, the whole family learned more and more about Jesus. They listened carefully, and accepted the Arabic Bible offered to them.
“I am not worthy to stand before the Lord,” Farooqi told them one day. “I am such a sinner and I’ve killed so many people. He simply cannot love me as a human being.”
The pastors opened the Bible to Romans 5:8-10 and showed it to him.
result of punishment inflicted in picture above: The blood of Jesus covers even this
“But here is how God has shown his love for us,” he read. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. The blood of Christ has made us right with God. So we are even more sure that Jesus will save us from God’s anger. Once we were God’s enemies. But we have been brought back to him because his Son died for us. Now that God has brought us back, we are even more secure. We know that we will be saved because Christ lives.”
Farooqi and his family became convinced about the value and truth of the Christian belief system. They confessed before the Lord and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Now all regularly but secretly attend worship services at a Bibles for Mideast underground church.
Please pray for Farooqi and his family: that the Muslim community will not bring them any harm; that our mighty Lord will continually protect them under His wings.