Certain images in our posts are merely representational of the accompanying narratives. All our strength and power rests in God alone. Please pray for us!

Feb. 1, 2025: No slowing of persecution against Christians in India

Dec. 18, 2024: Awesome notes of healing and salvation to end the year!

Nov. 25, 2024: Healing prayers needed for Pastor Paul, his wife and son

Oct. 15, 2024: Bibles for Mideast pastor and family finally to be released from hospital

Sept. 18, 2024: Bibles for Mideast pastor and family hospitalized after brutal attack

Sept. 5, 2024: Freedom and recovery from both a brain tumor and Islam!

July 12, 2024: Successful mission to the Masai in Kenya

June 10, 2024: Encounter with a ferocious tiger ... and then with Jesus!

May 16, 2024: From the inimitable Max Lucado . . . the W-E-L-L prayer

March 28, 2024: Suffering + on + the + CROSS

Feb. 6, 2024: Pastor and young Muslim have brilliant discussion on their separate belief systems: who's is wrong?

Jan. 22, 2024: "Countless Muslims have come and will come to Christ," says ex-terrorist confirming mass visions of Jesus in Gaza

Jan. 13, 2024: The power of prayer and fasting: deaf woman hears and speaks for the first time!

Oct. 31, 2023: Going above and beyond with 'bloom where you're planted': hospital miracles continue

Oct. 28, 2023: A time for intercession and lament

Oct. 2, 2023: A beyond-astonishing story of God’s redemption!

June 28, 2023: Challenging but victorious mission trip to Tamil Nadu

June 6, 2023: We sing it, but do we really mean it?

April 14, 2023: Christian missionaries attacked by Hindu extremists in India

April 2, 2023: The ‘light of a thousand suns’ shines on Oman!

Mar. 25, 2023: Hindu extremists attack Christians at funeral

Mar. 16, 2023: High time for another Jesus Revolution?

Feb. 26, 2023: Pastor dies and has amazing experience with Jesus!

Jan. 17, 2023: Airline crash in Nepal kills three beloved missionaries

Jan. 5, 2023: Atheists are right: Christianity sounds absurd

Dec. 23, 2022: Carrying a mystery to term

Dec. 15, 2022: Pre-Christmas jungle ministry results in hundreds of new Christians!

Oct. 29, 2022: Bibles for Mideast establishes its 500th church!

Sept. 14, 2022: Pakistan faces floods and fears—BUT GOD

Aug. 21, 2022: Summer PROGRESS AND PRAYER report: help us keep going!

May 5, 2022: SHACKLED: one woman's amazing triumph over abuse, persecution and a death sentence

April 15, 2022: Hindu festivals always mean trouble for converts from Hinduism: Please pray for Pastor Ashwin in India

Feb. 26, 2022: PLEASE PRAY for the Ukraine, and for Bibles for Mideast believers there

Jan. 4, 2022: She once ran with drug addicts and prostitutes; now she ministers to them!

Dec. 20, 2021: Evangelizing during Covid continues in Somalia with Pastor Mustafa and team

Dec. 7, 2021: Evangelization in the time of Covid: PPE x 2 (Personal Protective Equipment + Powerful Personal Evangelism)!

Oct. 23, 2021: Jesus lived—joyfully—within human limits: can we do the same?

Oct. 17, 2021: Kerala floods: Dozens missing in deadly India disaster

Oct. 16, 2021: Enduring faith

Sept. 30, 2021: ‘It never rains but it pours’: Ministry leaders need your prayers

Aug. 20, 2021: Reports from the ground in Afghanistan: Please join us in prayer!

Aug. 11, 2021: Urgent plea from Pastor Peter Haneef, President, Assemblies of Loving God (ALG)

July 3, 2021: Cardiac surgeon says his young patient opened his own heart

April 27, 2021: Trust and joy in the midst of trouble: is it possible?

April 8, 2021: An Indian Christian doctor sees COVID-19’s silver linings

March 23. 2021: Salvation and healing in the Sultanate of Oman

March 3, 2021: Life and healing in the Palestinian wilderness

Jan. 25, 2021: Sunday miracles and salvations in Bangladesh!

Jan. 9, 2021: LATEST UPDATE from Pastor Peter Haneef on attacked pastors and believers

Dec. 2, 2020: Important update from Pastor Peter Haneef on attack in northern Bangladesh

Nov. 25, 2020: Urgent prayer request for pastors and believers in northern Bangladesh

Nov. 15, 2020: What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘worship’?

Oct. 12, 2020: Ten Steps to Spiritual Maturity

Aug. 17, 2020: Family saved from disastrous mudslide in India by the Voice of God

Aug. 4, 2020: Lockdown rules for Christians: Follow your government’s, but don’t forget the heavenly rules

July 21, 2020: From the pulpit to the presidency: Lazarus rises in Malawi!

July 4, 2020: Healed of coronavirus and rescued from Islam in Saudi Arabia!

June 22, 2020: Update from Pastor Haneef on the Bibles for Mideast pastor in Pakistan

June 15, 2020: Poor Christians continue to suffer; one of our pastors now stricken with COVID-19

May 30, 2020: The God of abundance! A new church is born, and we meet the most fertile woman in the world

May 7, 2020: Jesus saves from Islam and despair in coronavirus-stricken family

April 27, 2020: Coronavirus Contentment?

April 27, 2020: Signs of mature Christians

April 22, 2020: Life is like a rainbow: You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear

April 22, 2020: St. Paul’s 12 key points to living in a lawless world

April 18, 2020: A call for GRACE midst COVID-19, China, bats, and bugs

April 10, 2020: Reflections on the Cross of Christ: the crux of history

April 1, 2020: Early April update from Pastor Peter Haneef

Mar. 21, 2020: Special message from Pastor Peter Haneef

Mar. 15, 2020: Prayer in a time of virus

Feb. 29, 2020: Some miracles are more complicated BUT attackers all now Christians!

Feb. 3, 2020: Pastor Paul and others freed ... but in hospital and still needing prayer

Jan. 31, 2020: URGENT prayer needed for Pastor Paul and team

Jan. 18, 2020: Looking for the perfect church? Look no further!

Jan. 16, 2020: Exciting 2019 highlights for the ministries of Bibles for Mideast

Jan. 4, 2020: Saved from witchcraft ... and crocodiles ... in the Indian jungle!

Dec. 9, 2019: Marvellous works of the Holy Spirit … in the hospital and beyond

Nov. 30, 2019: Formerly mute young Muslim woman now speaking out for Jesus

Nov. 16, 2019: Viciously attacked pastor’s healing convinces doctors of Jesus’ power: he leads them and over 500 Hindu hospital staff to Jesus

Nov. 5, 2019: UPDATE on church members brutally attacked … and more former Muslims baptised

Oct. 26, 2019: 94 former Muslims baptised in dramatic Arabian Sea ceremony

Oct. 15, 2019: No time to waste: the time is short, the harvest ripe

Oct. 8, 2019: God continues to move in India

Sept. 27, 2019: Indian pastor and church members viciously attacked by Hindu extremists now recovering, but need your help

Sept. 17, 2019: God's amazing grace and protection in Afghanistan

Sept. 4, 2019: Three new churches in north India!

Aug. 27, 2019: A gracious life, well-lived and perfectly ended

July 26, 2019: Miraculous healing, deliverance and salvations in restrictive Middle Eastern kingdom

July 19, 2019: How do spiritual fruit manifest in your life?

June 29, 2019: Global persecution of Christians increasing at alarming rates

May 29, 2019: NEW LIFE: from Islam, and from death itself

May 6, 2109: Dramatic healing and salvation for young Muslim woman ... and the miracles continue

April 30, 2019: Elderly woman thwarts attack on her church and points terrorist to Jesus

April 11, 2019: From the River of Death to the River of Life!

April 3, 2019: ISIS fighter flees bombardment and inadvertently, into the hands of Jesus

March 30, 2019: Why is human life so sinful?

March 18, 2019: Papal visit and 'illegal' evangelism’ lead eight young Muslims to Jesus

March 13, 2019: Sinking without a Shepherd

March 5, 2019: Aggressive Islamic militants now serving God and bringing multitudes to Christ

Feb. 22, 2019: Drug-addicted, suicidal young Muslim meets Jesus and becomes His powerful witness

Feb. 12, 2019: The dangers of happy children?

Feb. 2, 2019: Terrorists JOIN church after Jesus terrorizes their plan to burn it down

Jan. 19, 2019: PRAYER NEEDED: new African church under threat from Islamic militants

Jan. 7, 2019: Trust in Christ, not religion

Jan. 4, 2019: The vital importance of baptism

Jan. 1, 2019: Happy, blessed and prosperous New Year to you!

Dec. 21, 2018: JESUS and His mission: visible in all Creation, through all time, and in ways still being revealed

Dec. 11, 2018: Exciting update: entire Muslim village now Christian!

Dec. 3. 2018: Hanukkah/Chanukah lights the way to Christmas

Nov. 29, 2018: Urgent prayer request: Pastors attacked and church demolished by terrorists

Nov. 26, 2018: Isn't it strange?

Nov. 26, 2018: Memorize Bible’s contents to strengthen yourself in the Lord

Nov. 23, 2018: What are you looking for?

Nov. 10, 2018: Praising His amazingness: abducted pastors miraculously released in Middle East

Oct. 10, 2018: Daughter of evangelist miraculously survives terrorist attack, now she AND her attacker serve Jesus

Oct. 4, 2018: Muslim terrorist moves from death and destruction to Life and healing

Sept. 11, 2018: The Water of Life overpowers the waters of death

Aug. 16, 2018:  Devastating flooding in Kerala, India: PLEASE PRAY

Aug. 12, 2018:  Prayer can change the world! Please join us for three weeks of prayer and fasting

Aug. 4, 2018:  The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church

July 25, 2018:  Encouragement for your walk: "Why should I ... ?"

July 16, 2018:  Ministry leader attacked by radical Muslims released from hospital; his main attacker and family now Christians!

July 7, 2018:  Miracle baby born to formerly Muslim parents, themselves newborns in God's Kingdom!

June 26, 2018:  Boy’s dramatic dream of wounded lamb leads to salvation of his Islamic terrorist father

June 18, 2018:  Brutal attack on ALG Church leader Pastor Peter Haneef and family in Bangladesh

June 13, 2018:  The power of friendship evangelism and healing prayers in the Middle East!

June 4, 2018:  Conversions, healing and deliverance in the jungles of South Asia!

May 28, 2018:  It depends on whose hands

May 14, 2018:  Attacked by wild pig, rescued by ‘man with nail-scarred hands’

May 11, 2018:  Mohammed finds Jesus in Mecca!

May 3, 2018:  Freedom for Middle East missionaries imprisoned for evangelizing; healing and salvation for fellow prisoners!

April 17, 2018:  Jesus heals and saves Afghani girl brought up by Taliban

April 13, 2018:  Everyday prayers to be set free

April 5, 2018:  Healings, salvations and a new underground church in South Asian village

March 30, 2018:  I killed Jesus

March 15, 2018:  Destitute and unloved, 'untouchable' Dalit villagers being touched and saved by Jesus

March 7, 2018:  Astonishing power of prayer: Jesus saves Muslim man from pirates and jaws of death at sea

Feb. 21, 2018:  Billy Graham: from life to LIFE

Feb. 19, 2018:  Miraculous multiplication of faith, food and believers in east Africa

Feb. 13, 2018:  Saved first from Islam, then by a giant bird of prey from Islamic extremists!

Feb. 7, 2018:  Warrior angels just one factor in many connected radical salvations

Feb. 01, 2018:  From hired thug, to the morgue, to serving Jesus!

Jan. 31, 2018:  Saved from Islam and suicide by a raging river

Jan. 18, 2018:  A Muslim love story in Africa: first with Jesus, then each other, and now the world around them

Dec. 22, 2017:  Jesus visits Hindu in coma; brings hope, healing, and salvation

Nov. 30, 2017:  The religious component of Islam? Nothing but a ‘beard’ covering an all-encompassing system of life

Nov. 24, 2017: The Resume of Jesus Christ

Oct. 25, 2017: Arab Muslim hears Jesus' voice and accepts Him!

Oct. 9, 2017:  Dead Imam comes alive during burial preparations; a year and a half later, he heads up a newborn church!

Sept. 22, 2017:  From Islamic enforcer and Christian killer to underground church leader: a modern-day, Muslim Saul

Sept. 11: 2017:  Call for seven days of prayer and fasting for Bibles for Mideast and ALG

Sept. 11: 2017:  Saved by Jesus from scheming friend, debt, doubt and suicide

Sept. 6, 2017:  A young Muslim meets Jesus at the holiest time of year for Islam, the Festival of Sacrifice

Aug. 29, 2017:  Jesus rescues young woman from Buddhism, black magic and being buried alive

Aug. 18, 2017:  Indian state laws make converting to Christianity increasingly dangerous

Aug. 4, 2017:  From radical Islamic murderer to ardent leader in the Kingdom of Jesus

July 21, 2017:  From Hindu priestly family to daughter of the King of Kings

June 29, 2017:  Former Hindu ‘snake goddess’ now powerful witness to Jesus

June 22, 2107:  Conversions in the millions: Muslims tasting the love of Jesus and embracing Christianity all over the globe

June 16, 2017:  Prayer support still desperately needed for Pastor Paul and family

June 12, 2017:  Resurrection life and healing for an abused young Muslim woman

May 10, 2017:  A letter from Peter Haneef, President of ALG Church, on Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast

May 9, 2017:  URGENT call to fast and pray for Pastor Paul, director of Bibles for Mideast

May 5, 2017:  Can Jesus bear our burden? (Gospel tract for Muslims)

April 17, 2017:  Stoned by terrorists, protected by a lion!

April 7, 2017:  URGENT: Prayer request for Pastor Paul

April 4, 2017:  Despite persecution, more than 3,000 former Muslims baptized

March 28, 2017:  Miraculously sending His Word, the Lord radically saves Islamic scholar and teacher

March 19, 2017:  God restores and redeems: an astounding update of attack on the African church

March 15, 2017:  The storms of heaven in Africa: punishment for some, salvation for others

Mar 09, 2017:  ALG Church calls for 21 days fasting and prayer

Mar 05, 2017:  Jesus saves Arab from horrible tragedies, his Christian-hating wife soon to follow

Mar 05, 2017:  Carry and read the Bible as if it were a mobile: Pope Francis

Mar 01, 2017:  Gospel-hating drunkard finds Jesus and escapes disaster

Feb 27, 2017:  Gospel workers miraculously rescued from killer earthquake

Feb 18, 2017:  Murderous fanatic rescued from suicide attempt, his son healed of cancer, and all meet Jesus

Feb 13, 2017:  Jesus and Salvation in Lydia’s West African Town

Feb 09, 2017:  Doctors confirm death of young Lydia … BUT GOD!

Feb 04, 2017:  URGENT CALL TO PRAYER for young Christian victim of female genital mutilation

Jan 31, 2017:  Bibles for Mideast forms Assembly of Loving God (ALG) Church

Jan 25, 2017:  Muslim prison officer dreams of Jesus' Glory and pastors wonderfully released

Jan 19, 2017:  Bibles for Mideast pastors brutally beaten, arrested and thrown in jail

Jan 17, 2017:  Royal Family members believe in Jesus, now face death threats and prison

Jan 14, 2017:  Jesus, You are my Everything

Jan 05, 2017:  End Time prophecy about the Middle East

Dec 30, 2016:  Former radical Hindu man now testifies in most unusual way

Dec 28, 2016:  Lord, I can’t even walk …

Dec 27, 2016:  Father Tom Uzhunnalil requests help to be freed from terrorists

Dec 26, 2016:  Wonder how the Face of God looks?

Dec 20, 2016:  At the sound of Jesus’ voice, militants toppled, guns blown from their hands

Dec 13, 2016:  Saharan snake bites Muslim woman, Jesus heals, family believes

Dec 11, 2016:   UN Petition from Muslim women seeking ban on female genital mutilation (FGM)

Dec 07, 2016:  41 former Muslims baptized!

Nov 22, 2016:  Guide us to the straight path (Gospel tract for Muslims)

Nov 19, 2016:  Militants firebomb home of Bibles for Mideast women; two seriously injured

Nov 11, 2016:  98-year-old Sri Lankan pastor carries on in the Lord's ministry

Nov 5, 2016:  Islamists march for ouster of Christian Governor in Indonesia

Oct 20, 2016:  1,268 baptisms and many miracles in three days!

Oct 10, 2016:  1,200 former Muslims prepare for baptism

Oct 09, 2016:  Pope Francis and Canterbury Archbishop Justin want Christian unity

Oct 02, 2016:  Heavenly dust storm protects newly-baptized from militant gunfire

Sep 28, 2016:  Christian teacher in Pakistan threatened with death unless he converts to Islam

Sep 15, 2016:  Jesus casts Satan from Muslim girl; her healing brings her family to Christ

Sep 08, 2016:  Testimony of Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast, a former Muslim

Aug 23, 2016:  Five years since teenage sisters murdered for reading the Bible

Aug 08, 2016:  Man learns the truth in Jesus' words, 'Better to lose one eye than go to hell with both'

Aug 01, 2016:  Hindu woman monk becomes part of the bride of Christ! 

July 29, 2016:  Terrorists who abducted Catholic Priest Tom Uzhunnalil arrested

July 25, 2016:  Muslim father kills daughter; Jesus raises her from the dead

July 18, 2016:  Update on 18 baptized in Middle East

July 17, 2016:  Eighteen former Muslims baptized in the Middle East

July 13, 2016:  Muslim extremist stabs pastors; their love and forgiveness lead him and his family to Jesus

July 10, 2016:  From Hindu Indian royalty to daughter of the King of Kings

July 06, 2016:  Reji Joseph, who was abducted in Libya rescued

July 06, 2016:  Hindu woman battled cancer and skin disease, finds fiery healing in Jesus

July 02, 2016:  Thalaikoothal: The crude ritual killing of the elderly in India

June 30, 2016:  Muslim man starves and burns 10-year-old son for accepting Jesus as Lord

June 20, 2016:   Abducted missionaries miraculously rescued from terrorists in Middle East

June 14, 2016:  Missionaries of Bibles for Mideast abducted in the Middle East

June 13, 2016:  Bibles for Mideast missionaries brutally attacked; one in critical condition

June 10, 2016:  12 Arabs in Middle East newly-baptized!

June 06, 2016:  Christian grocer and Police Superintendent’s wife latest murdered by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh

May 26, 2016:  Hindu sorcerer turns to Christ and now lives for Him

May 19, 2016:  Members of Middle Eastern Muslim family now worship Jesus!

May 15, 2016:  Woman from Hindu priestly family healed and saved by Jesus; now serves Him!

May 12, 2016:  Young girl goes through heaven with Jesus, comes back healed!

May 02, 2016:  Siblings of Hindu priestly family accept Jesus; now face persecution

Apr 25, 2016:  Daughter of Muslim ruler under house arrest for Christian faith

Apr 12, 2016:  Radical Muslim terrorist ‘terrified’ by the Light of Jesus now serves as pastor!

Apr 05, 2016:  Indian Christian abducted in Libya

April 03, 2016:  Bedridden Arab Muslim woman healed by Jesus; she and her family now believe

Mar 31, 2016:  Jesus protects persecuted new convert from Islam by the 'power of His right hand' 

Mar 25, 2016:   Malaysian High Court: A Muslim has the right to embrace Christianity

Mar 23, 2016:  Muslim Slaughter of Christians in Asia and Mideast

Mar 22, 2016:   Convert from Islam stabbed to death in Bangladesh

Mar 20, 2016:   Four Bible translators murdered in Middle East

Mar 02, 2016:  Letter from US Lawmakers to the Prime Minister of India on intolerance

Mar 02, 2016:  India: Pentecostal Christians seek protection

Feb 28, 2016:  Formerly Muslim doctor now evangelizes, plants churches AND treats patients

Feb 27, 2016:  Muslims converting to Christianity in Nigeria, despite brutal persecution

Feb 23, 2016:  When you worry …

Feb 23, 2016:  Do you feel your joy, your peace, your life has been ruined?

Feb 22, 2016:  Messiah in the Books of the Bible

Feb 22, 2016:  Interesting facts about the Bible

Dec. 26, 2016: Wonder what the Face of God looks like?

Dec. 20, 2016: At the sound of Jesus’ voice, militants toppled, guns blown from their hand

Dec. 13, 2016: Saharan snake bites Muslim woman, Jesus heals, family believes

Dec. 10, 2016: UN Petition from Muslim women seeking ban on female genital mutilation (FGM)

Dec. 7, 2016: 41 former Muslims baptised!

Nov. 27, 2016: Guide us to the straight path (Gospel tract for Muslims)

Nov. 19, 2016: Militants firebomb home of Bibles for Mideast women; two seriously injured

Nov. 10, 2016: 98-year-old Sri Lankan pastor carries on in the Lord's ministry

Nov. 4, 2016: Islamists march for ouster of Christian Governor in Indonesia

Oct. 20, 2016: 1,268 baptisms and many miracles in three days!

Oct. 10, 2016: 1,200 former Muslims prepare for baptism

Oct. 9, 2016: Pope Francis and Canterbury Archbishop Justin want Christian unity

Oct. 2, 2016: Heavenly dust storm protects newly-baptized from militant gunfire

Sept. 28, 2016: Christian teacher in Pakistan threatened with death unless he converts to Islam

Sept. 15, 2016: Jesus casts Satan from Muslim girl; her healing brings her family to Christ

Sept. 8, 2016: Testimony of Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast, a former Muslim

Aug. 23, 2016: Still no answers five years after teenage sisters murdered for reading the Bible

Aug. 8: 2016: Man learns the truth in Jesus' words, 'Better to lose one eye than go to hell with both'

Aug. 1, 2016: Hindu woman monk becomes part of the bride of Christ!

July 29, 2016: Terrorists who abducted Catholic Priest Tom Uzhunnalil arrested

July 25, 2016: Muslim father kills daughter; Jesus raises her from the dead

July 18, 2016: Update on 18 baptized in Middle East

July 17, 2016: Eighteen former Muslims baptized in the Middle East

July 13, 2016: Muslim extremist stabs pastors; their love and forgiveness lead him and his family to Jesus

July 10, 2016: From Hindu Indian royalty to daughter of the King of Kings

July 6, 2016: Reji Joseph, who was abducted in Libya, rescued

July 6, 2016: Hindu woman battled cancer and skin disease, finds fiery healing in Jesus

July 2, 2016: Thalaikoothal: the crude ritual killing of the elderly in India

June 30, 2016: Muslim man starves and burns 10-year-old son for accepting Jesus as Lord

June 20, 2016: Abducted missionaries miraculously rescued from terrorists in Middle East!

June 14, 2016: Missionaries of Bibles for Mideast abducted in the Middle East

June 13, 2016: Bibles for Mideast missionaries brutally attacked; one in critical condition

June 10, 2016: 12 Arabs in Middle East newly-baptized!

June 6, 2016: Christian grocer and Police Superintendent’s wife latest murdered by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh

May 18, 2016: Members of Middle Eastern Muslim family now worship Jesus!

May 15, 2016: Woman from Hindu priestly family healed and saved by Jesus: now serves Him!

May 12, 2016: Young girl goes through heaven with Jesus, comes back healed!

May 2, 2016: Siblings of Hindu priestly family accept Jesus; now face persecution

April 24, 2016: Daughter of Muslim ruler under house arrest for Christian faith

April 11, 2016: Radical Muslim terrorist ‘terrified’ by the Light of Jesus now serves as pastor!

April 5, 2016: Indian Christian abducted in Libya

April 3, 2016: Bedridden Arab Muslim woman healed by Jesus; she and her family now believe

March 31, 2016: Jesus protects persecuted new convert from Islam by the 'power of His right hand'

March 25, 2016: Malaysian High Court: A Muslim has the right to embrace Christianity

March 23, 2016: Muslim slaughter of Christians in Asia and the Middle East

March 22, 2016: Convert from Islam stabbed to death in Bangladesh

March 20, 2016: Four Bible translators murdered in Middle East

March 1, 2016: Letter from US Lawmakers to the Prime Minister of India on intolerance

March 1, 2016: India: Pentecostal Christians seek protection

Feb. 28. 2016: Formerly Muslim doctor now evangelizes, plants churches AND treats patients

Feb. 26, 2016: Muslims converting to Christianity in Nigeria, despite brutal persecution

Feb. 23, 2016: When you worry ...

Feb. 23, 2016: Do you feel your joy, your peace, your life has been ruined?

Feb. 22, 2016: Messiah in the Books of the Bible

Feb. 22, 2016: Interesting facts about the Bible

Dec. 20, 2016: At the sound of Jesus’ voice, militants toppled, guns blown from their hands

Dec. 13, 2016: Saharan snake bites Muslim woman, Jesus heals, family believes

Dec. 10, 2016: UN Petition from Muslim women seeking ban on female genital mutilation (FGM)

Dec. 7, 2016: 41 former Muslims baptized!

Nov. 22, 2016: Guide us to the straight path

Nov. 19, 2016: Militants firebomb home of Bibles for Mideast women; two seriously injured

Nov. 10, 2016: 98-year-old Sri Lankan pastor carries on in the Lord's ministry

Nov. 4, 2016: Islamists march for ouster of Christian Governor in Indonesia

Oct. 20, 2016: 1,268 baptisms and many miracles in three days!

Oct. 10, 2016: 1,200 former Muslims prepare for baptism

Oct. 9, 2016: Pope Francis and Canterbury Archbishop Justin want Christian unity

Oct. 2, 2016: Heavenly dust storm protects newly-baptized from militant gunfire

Sept. 28, 2016: Christian teacher in Pakistan threatened with death unless he converts to Islam

Sept. 15, 2016: Jesus casts Satan from Muslim girl; her healing brings her family to Christ

Sept. 8, 2016: Testimony of Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast, a former Muslim

Aug. 23, 2016: Still no answers five years after teenage sisters murdered for reading the Bible

Aug. 8, 2016: Man learns the truth in Jesus' words, 'Better to lose one eye than go to hell with both'

Aug. 1, 2016: Hindu woman monk becomes part of the bride of Christ!

July 29, 2016: Terrorists who abducted Catholic Priest Tom Uzhunnalil arrested

July 25, 2016: Muslim father kills daughter; Jesus raises her from the dead

July 18, 2016: Update on 18 baptized in Middle East

July 17, 2016: Eighteen former Muslims baptized in the Middle East

July 13, 2016: Muslim extremist stabs pastors; their love and forgiveness lead him and his family to Jesus

July 10, 2016: From Hindu Indian royalty to daughter of the King of Kings

July 6, 2016: Reji Joseph, who was abducted in Libya, rescued

July 6, 2016: Hindu woman battled cancer and skin disease, finds fiery healing in Jesus

July 2, 2016: Thalaikoothal: the crude ritual killing of the elderly in India

June 30, 2016: Muslim man starves and burns 10-year-old son for accepting Jesus as Lord

June 20, 2016: Abducted missionaries miraculously rescued from terrorists in Middle East

June 14, 2016: Missionaries of Bibles for Mideast abducted in the Middle East

June 13, 2016: Bibles for Mideast missionaries brutally attacked; one in critical condition

June 10, 2016: 12 Arabs in Middle East newly-baptized!

June 6, 2016: Christian grocer and Police Superintendent’s wife latest murdered by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh

May 18, 2016: Members of Middle Eastern Muslim family now worship Jesus!

May 15, 2016: Woman from Hindu priestly family healed and saved by Jesus: now serves Him!

May 12, 2016: Young girl goes through heaven with Jesus, comes back healed!

May 2, 2016: Siblings of Hindu priestly family accept Jesus; now face persecution

April 24, 2016: Daughter of Muslim ruler under house arrest for Christian faith

April 11, 2016: Radical Muslim terrorist ‘terrified’ by the Light of Jesus now serves as pastor!

April 5, 2016: Indian Christian abducted in Libya

April 3, 2016: Bedridden Arab Muslim woman healed by Jesus; she and her family now believe

March 31, 2016: Jesus protects persecuted new convert from Islam by the 'power of His right hand'

March 25, 2016: Malaysian High Court: A Muslim has the right to embrace Christianity

March 23, 2016: Muslim slaughter of Christians in Asia and the Middle East

March 22, 2016: Convert from Islam stabbed to death in Bangladesh

March 20, 2016: Four Bible translators murdered in Middle East

March 1, 2016: Letter from US Lawmakers to the Prime Minister of India on intolerance

March 1, 2016: India: Pentecostal Christians seek protection

Feb. 28, 2016: Formerly Muslim doctor now evangelizes, plants churches AND treats patients

Feb. 26, 2016: Muslims converting to Christianity in Nigeria, despite brutal persecution

Feb. 23, 2016: When you worry ...

Feb. 23, 2016: Do you feel your joy, your peace, your life has been ruined?

Feb. 22, 2016: Messiah in the Books of the Bible

Feb. 22, 2016: Interesting facts about the Bible