All at a glance: archive of published articles
Certain images in our posts are merely representational of the accompanying narratives. All our strength and power rests in God alone. Please pray for us!
Feb. 1, 2025: No slowing of persecution against Christians in India
Dec. 18, 2024: Awesome notes of healing and salvation to end the year!
Nov. 25, 2024: Healing prayers needed for Pastor Paul, his wife and son
Oct. 15, 2024: Bibles for Mideast pastor and family finally to be released from hospital
Sept. 18, 2024: Bibles for Mideast pastor and family hospitalized after brutal attack
Sept. 5, 2024: Freedom and recovery from both a brain tumor and Islam!
July 12, 2024: Successful mission to the Masai in Kenya
June 10, 2024: Encounter with a ferocious tiger ... and then with Jesus!
May 16, 2024: From the inimitable Max Lucado . . . the W-E-L-L prayer
March 28, 2024: Suffering + on + the + CROSS
Feb. 6, 2024: Pastor and young Muslim have brilliant discussion on their separate belief systems: who's is wrong?
Jan. 22, 2024: "Countless Muslims have come and will come to Christ," says ex-terrorist confirming mass visions of Jesus in Gaza
Jan. 13, 2024: The power of prayer and fasting: deaf woman hears and speaks for the first time!
Oct. 31, 2023: Going above and beyond with 'bloom where you're planted': hospital miracles continue
Oct. 28, 2023: A time for intercession and lament
Oct. 2, 2023: A beyond-astonishing story of God’s redemption!
June 28, 2023: Challenging but victorious mission trip to Tamil Nadu
June 6, 2023: We sing it, but do we really mean it?
April 14, 2023: Christian missionaries attacked by Hindu extremists in India
April 2, 2023: The ‘light of a thousand suns’ shines on Oman!
Mar. 25, 2023: Hindu extremists attack Christians at funeral
Mar. 16, 2023: High time for another Jesus Revolution?
Feb. 26, 2023: Pastor dies and has amazing experience with Jesus!
Jan. 17, 2023: Airline crash in Nepal kills three beloved missionaries
Jan. 5, 2023: Atheists are right: Christianity sounds absurd
Dec. 23, 2022: Carrying a mystery to term
Dec. 15, 2022: Pre-Christmas jungle ministry results in hundreds of new Christians!
Oct. 29, 2022: Bibles for Mideast establishes its 500th church!
Sept. 14, 2022: Pakistan faces floods and fears—BUT GOD
Aug. 21, 2022: Summer PROGRESS AND PRAYER report: help us keep going!
May 5, 2022: SHACKLED: one woman's amazing triumph over abuse, persecution and a death sentence
April 15, 2022: Hindu festivals always mean trouble for converts from Hinduism: Please pray for Pastor Ashwin in India
Feb. 26, 2022: PLEASE PRAY for the Ukraine, and for Bibles for Mideast believers there
Jan. 4, 2022: She once ran with drug addicts and prostitutes; now she ministers to them!
Dec. 20, 2021: Evangelizing during Covid continues in Somalia with Pastor Mustafa and team
Dec. 7, 2021: Evangelization in the time of Covid: PPE x 2 (Personal Protective Equipment + Powerful Personal Evangelism)!
Oct. 23, 2021: Jesus lived—joyfully—within human limits: can we do the same?
Oct. 17, 2021: Kerala floods: Dozens missing in deadly India disaster
Oct. 16, 2021: Enduring faith
Sept. 30, 2021: ‘It never rains but it pours’: Ministry leaders need your prayers
Aug. 20, 2021: Reports from the ground in Afghanistan: Please join us in prayer!
Aug. 11, 2021: Urgent plea from Pastor Peter Haneef, President, Assemblies of Loving God (ALG)
July 3, 2021: Cardiac surgeon says his young patient opened his own heart
April 27, 2021: Trust and joy in the midst of trouble: is it possible?
April 8, 2021: An Indian Christian doctor sees COVID-19’s silver linings
March 23. 2021: Salvation and healing in the Sultanate of Oman
March 3, 2021: Life and healing in the Palestinian wilderness
Jan. 25, 2021: Sunday miracles and salvations in Bangladesh!
Jan. 9, 2021: LATEST UPDATE from Pastor Peter Haneef on attacked pastors and believers
Dec. 2, 2020: Important update from Pastor Peter Haneef on attack in northern Bangladesh
Nov. 25, 2020: Urgent prayer request for pastors and believers in northern Bangladesh
Nov. 15, 2020: What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘worship’?
Oct. 12, 2020: Ten Steps to Spiritual Maturity
Aug. 17, 2020: Family saved from disastrous mudslide in India by the Voice of God
Aug. 4, 2020: Lockdown rules for Christians: Follow your government’s, but don’t forget the heavenly rules
July 21, 2020: From the pulpit to the presidency: Lazarus rises in Malawi!
July 4, 2020: Healed of coronavirus and rescued from Islam in Saudi Arabia!
June 22, 2020: Update from Pastor Haneef on the Bibles for Mideast pastor in Pakistan
June 15, 2020: Poor Christians continue to suffer; one of our pastors now stricken with COVID-19
May 30, 2020: The God of abundance! A new church is born, and we meet the most fertile woman in the world
May 7, 2020: Jesus saves from Islam and despair in coronavirus-stricken family
April 27, 2020: Coronavirus Contentment?
April 27, 2020: Signs of mature Christians
April 22, 2020: Life is like a rainbow: You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear
April 22, 2020: St. Paul’s 12 key points to living in a lawless world
April 18, 2020: A call for GRACE midst COVID-19, China, bats, and bugs
April 10, 2020: Reflections on the Cross of Christ: the crux of history
April 1, 2020: Early April update from Pastor Peter Haneef
Mar. 21, 2020: Special message from Pastor Peter Haneef
Mar. 15, 2020: Prayer in a time of virus
Feb. 29, 2020: Some miracles are more complicated BUT attackers all now Christians!
Feb. 3, 2020: Pastor Paul and others freed ... but in hospital and still needing prayer
Jan. 31, 2020: URGENT prayer needed for Pastor Paul and team
Jan. 18, 2020: Looking for the perfect church? Look no further!
Jan. 16, 2020: Exciting 2019 highlights for the ministries of Bibles for Mideast
Jan. 4, 2020: Saved from witchcraft ... and crocodiles ... in the Indian jungle!
Dec. 9, 2019: Marvellous works of the Holy Spirit … in the hospital and beyond
Nov. 30, 2019: Formerly mute young Muslim woman now speaking out for Jesus
Nov. 16, 2019: Viciously attacked pastor’s healing convinces doctors of Jesus’ power: he leads them and over 500 Hindu hospital staff to Jesus
Nov. 5, 2019: UPDATE on church members brutally attacked … and more former Muslims baptised
Oct. 26, 2019: 94 former Muslims baptised in dramatic Arabian Sea ceremony
Oct. 15, 2019: No time to waste: the time is short, the harvest ripe
Oct. 8, 2019: God continues to move in India
Sept. 27, 2019: Indian pastor and church members viciously attacked by Hindu extremists now recovering, but need your help
Sept. 17, 2019: God's amazing grace and protection in Afghanistan
Sept. 4, 2019: Three new churches in north India!
Aug. 27, 2019: A gracious life, well-lived and perfectly ended
July 26, 2019: Miraculous healing, deliverance and salvations in restrictive Middle Eastern kingdom
July 19, 2019: How do spiritual fruit manifest in your life?
June 29, 2019: Global persecution of Christians increasing at alarming rates
May 29, 2019: NEW LIFE: from Islam, and from death itself
May 6, 2109: Dramatic healing and salvation for young Muslim woman ... and the miracles continue
April 30, 2019: Elderly woman thwarts attack on her church and points terrorist to Jesus
April 11, 2019: From the River of Death to the River of Life!
April 3, 2019: ISIS fighter flees bombardment and inadvertently, into the hands of Jesus
March 30, 2019: Why is human life so sinful?
March 18, 2019: Papal visit and 'illegal' evangelism’ lead eight young Muslims to Jesus
March 13, 2019: Sinking without a Shepherd
March 5, 2019: Aggressive Islamic militants now serving God and bringing multitudes to Christ
Feb. 22, 2019: Drug-addicted, suicidal young Muslim meets Jesus and becomes His powerful witness
Feb. 12, 2019: The dangers of happy children?
Feb. 2, 2019: Terrorists JOIN church after Jesus terrorizes their plan to burn it down
Jan. 19, 2019: PRAYER NEEDED: new African church under threat from Islamic militants
Jan. 7, 2019: Trust in Christ, not religion
Jan. 4, 2019: The vital importance of baptism
Jan. 1, 2019: Happy, blessed and prosperous New Year to you!
Dec. 21, 2018: JESUS and His mission: visible in all Creation, through all time, and in ways still being revealed
Dec. 11, 2018: Exciting update: entire Muslim village now Christian!
Dec. 3. 2018: Hanukkah/Chanukah lights the way to Christmas
Nov. 29, 2018: Urgent prayer request: Pastors attacked and church demolished by terrorists
Nov. 26, 2018: Isn't it strange?
Nov. 26, 2018: Memorize Bible’s contents to strengthen yourself in the Lord
Nov. 23, 2018: What are you looking for?
Nov. 10, 2018: Praising His amazingness: abducted pastors miraculously released in Middle East
Oct. 10, 2018: Daughter of evangelist miraculously survives terrorist attack, now she AND her attacker serve Jesus
Oct. 4, 2018: Muslim terrorist moves from death and destruction to Life and healing
Sept. 11, 2018: The Water of Life overpowers the waters of death
Aug. 16, 2018: Devastating flooding in Kerala, India: PLEASE PRAY
Aug. 12, 2018: Prayer can change the world! Please join us for three weeks of prayer and fasting
Aug. 4, 2018: The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church
July 25, 2018: Encouragement for your walk: "Why should I ... ?"
July 16, 2018: Ministry leader attacked by radical Muslims released from hospital; his main attacker and family now Christians!
July 7, 2018: Miracle baby born to formerly Muslim parents, themselves newborns in God's Kingdom!
June 26, 2018: Boy’s dramatic dream of wounded lamb leads to salvation of his Islamic terrorist father
June 18, 2018: Brutal attack on ALG Church leader Pastor Peter Haneef and family in Bangladesh
June 13, 2018: The power of friendship evangelism and healing prayers in the Middle East!
June 4, 2018: Conversions, healing and deliverance in the jungles of South Asia!
May 28, 2018: It depends on whose hands
May 14, 2018: Attacked by wild pig, rescued by ‘man with nail-scarred hands’
May 11, 2018: Mohammed finds Jesus in Mecca!
May 3, 2018: Freedom for Middle East missionaries imprisoned for evangelizing; healing and salvation for fellow prisoners!
April 17, 2018: Jesus heals and saves Afghani girl brought up by Taliban
April 13, 2018: Everyday prayers to be set free
April 5, 2018: Healings, salvations and a new underground church in South Asian village
March 30, 2018: I killed Jesus
March 15, 2018: Destitute and unloved, 'untouchable' Dalit villagers being touched and saved by Jesus
March 7, 2018: Astonishing power of prayer: Jesus saves Muslim man from pirates and jaws of death at sea
Feb. 21, 2018: Billy Graham: from life to LIFE
Feb. 19, 2018: Miraculous multiplication of faith, food and believers in east Africa
Feb. 13, 2018: Saved first from Islam, then by a giant bird of prey from Islamic extremists!
Feb. 7, 2018: Warrior angels just one factor in many connected radical salvations
Feb. 01, 2018: From hired thug, to the morgue, to serving Jesus!
Jan. 31, 2018: Saved from Islam and suicide by a raging river
Jan. 18, 2018: A Muslim love story in Africa: first with Jesus, then each other, and now the world around them
Dec. 22, 2017: Jesus visits Hindu in coma; brings hope, healing, and salvation
Nov. 30, 2017: The religious component of Islam? Nothing but a ‘beard’ covering an all-encompassing system of life
Nov. 24, 2017: The Resume of Jesus Christ
Oct. 25, 2017: Arab Muslim hears Jesus' voice and accepts Him!
Oct. 9, 2017: Dead Imam comes alive during burial preparations; a year and a half later, he heads up a newborn church!
Sept. 22, 2017: From Islamic enforcer and Christian killer to underground church leader: a modern-day, Muslim Saul
Sept. 11: 2017: Call for seven days of prayer and fasting for Bibles for Mideast and ALG
Sept. 11: 2017: Saved by Jesus from scheming friend, debt, doubt and suicide
Sept. 6, 2017: A young Muslim meets Jesus at the holiest time of year for Islam, the Festival of Sacrifice
Aug. 29, 2017: Jesus rescues young woman from Buddhism, black magic and being buried alive
Aug. 18, 2017: Indian state laws make converting to Christianity increasingly dangerous
Aug. 4, 2017: From radical Islamic murderer to ardent leader in the Kingdom of Jesus
July 21, 2017: From Hindu priestly family to daughter of the King of Kings
June 29, 2017: Former Hindu ‘snake goddess’ now powerful witness to Jesus
June 22, 2107: Conversions in the millions: Muslims tasting the love of Jesus and embracing Christianity all over the globe
June 16, 2017: Prayer support still desperately needed for Pastor Paul and family
June 12, 2017: Resurrection life and healing for an abused young Muslim woman
May 10, 2017: A letter from Peter Haneef, President of ALG Church, on Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast
May 9, 2017: URGENT call to fast and pray for Pastor Paul, director of Bibles for Mideast
May 5, 2017: Can Jesus bear our burden? (Gospel tract for Muslims)
April 17, 2017: Stoned by terrorists, protected by a lion!
April 7, 2017: URGENT: Prayer request for Pastor Paul
April 4, 2017: Despite persecution, more than 3,000 former Muslims baptized
March 28, 2017: Miraculously sending His Word, the Lord radically saves Islamic scholar and teacher
March 19, 2017: God restores and redeems: an astounding update of attack on the African church
March 15, 2017: The storms of heaven in Africa: punishment for some, salvation for others
Mar 09, 2017: ALG Church calls for 21 days fasting and prayer
Mar 05, 2017: Jesus saves Arab from horrible tragedies, his Christian-hating wife soon to follow
Mar 05, 2017: Carry and read the Bible as if it were a mobile: Pope Francis
Mar 01, 2017: Gospel-hating drunkard finds Jesus and escapes disaster
Feb 27, 2017: Gospel workers miraculously rescued from killer earthquake
Feb 18, 2017: Murderous fanatic rescued from suicide attempt, his son healed of cancer, and all meet Jesus
Feb 13, 2017: Jesus and Salvation in Lydia’s West African Town
Feb 09, 2017: Doctors confirm death of young Lydia … BUT GOD!
Feb 04, 2017: URGENT CALL TO PRAYER for young Christian victim of female genital mutilation
Jan 31, 2017: Bibles for Mideast forms Assembly of Loving God (ALG) Church
Jan 25, 2017: Muslim prison officer dreams of Jesus' Glory and pastors wonderfully released
Jan 19, 2017: Bibles for Mideast pastors brutally beaten, arrested and thrown in jail
Jan 17, 2017: Royal Family members believe in Jesus, now face death threats and prison
Jan 14, 2017: Jesus, You are my Everything
Jan 05, 2017: End Time prophecy about the Middle East
Dec 30, 2016: Former radical Hindu man now testifies in most unusual way
Dec 28, 2016: Lord, I can’t even walk …
Dec 27, 2016: Father Tom Uzhunnalil requests help to be freed from terrorists
Dec 26, 2016: Wonder how the Face of God looks?
Dec 20, 2016: At the sound of Jesus’ voice, militants toppled, guns blown from their hands
Dec 13, 2016: Saharan snake bites Muslim woman, Jesus heals, family believes
Dec 11, 2016: UN Petition from Muslim women seeking ban on female genital mutilation (FGM)
Dec 07, 2016: 41 former Muslims baptized!
Nov 22, 2016: Guide us to the straight path (Gospel tract for Muslims)
Nov 19, 2016: Militants firebomb home of Bibles for Mideast women; two seriously injured
Nov 11, 2016: 98-year-old Sri Lankan pastor carries on in the Lord's ministry
Nov 5, 2016: Islamists march for ouster of Christian Governor in Indonesia
Oct 20, 2016: 1,268 baptisms and many miracles in three days!
Oct 10, 2016: 1,200 former Muslims prepare for baptism
Oct 09, 2016: Pope Francis and Canterbury Archbishop Justin want Christian unity
Oct 02, 2016: Heavenly dust storm protects newly-baptized from militant gunfire
Sep 28, 2016: Christian teacher in Pakistan threatened with death unless he converts to Islam
Sep 15, 2016: Jesus casts Satan from Muslim girl; her healing brings her family to Christ
Sep 08, 2016: Testimony of Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast, a former Muslim
Aug 23, 2016: Five years since teenage sisters murdered for reading the Bible
Aug 08, 2016: Man learns the truth in Jesus' words, 'Better to lose one eye than go to hell with both'
Aug 01, 2016: Hindu woman monk becomes part of the bride of Christ!
July 29, 2016: Terrorists who abducted Catholic Priest Tom Uzhunnalil arrested
July 25, 2016: Muslim father kills daughter; Jesus raises her from the dead
July 18, 2016: Update on 18 baptized in Middle East
July 17, 2016: Eighteen former Muslims baptized in the Middle East
July 13, 2016: Muslim extremist stabs pastors; their love and forgiveness lead him and his family to Jesus
July 10, 2016: From Hindu Indian royalty to daughter of the King of Kings
July 06, 2016: Reji Joseph, who was abducted in Libya rescued
July 06, 2016: Hindu woman battled cancer and skin disease, finds fiery healing in Jesus
July 02, 2016: Thalaikoothal: The crude ritual killing of the elderly in India
June 30, 2016: Muslim man starves and burns 10-year-old son for accepting Jesus as Lord
June 20, 2016: Abducted missionaries miraculously rescued from terrorists in Middle East
June 14, 2016: Missionaries of Bibles for Mideast abducted in the Middle East
June 13, 2016: Bibles for Mideast missionaries brutally attacked; one in critical condition
June 10, 2016: 12 Arabs in Middle East newly-baptized!
June 06, 2016: Christian grocer and Police Superintendent’s wife latest murdered by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh
May 26, 2016: Hindu sorcerer turns to Christ and now lives for Him
May 19, 2016: Members of Middle Eastern Muslim family now worship Jesus!
May 15, 2016: Woman from Hindu priestly family healed and saved by Jesus; now serves Him!
May 12, 2016: Young girl goes through heaven with Jesus, comes back healed!
May 02, 2016: Siblings of Hindu priestly family accept Jesus; now face persecution
Apr 25, 2016: Daughter of Muslim ruler under house arrest for Christian faith
Apr 12, 2016: Radical Muslim terrorist ‘terrified’ by the Light of Jesus now serves as pastor!
Apr 05, 2016: Indian Christian abducted in Libya
April 03, 2016: Bedridden Arab Muslim woman healed by Jesus; she and her family now believe
Mar 31, 2016: Jesus protects persecuted new convert from Islam by the 'power of His right hand'
Mar 25, 2016: Malaysian High Court: A Muslim has the right to embrace Christianity
Mar 23, 2016: Muslim Slaughter of Christians in Asia and Mideast
Mar 22, 2016: Convert from Islam stabbed to death in Bangladesh
Mar 20, 2016: Four Bible translators murdered in Middle East
Mar 02, 2016: Letter from US Lawmakers to the Prime Minister of India on intolerance
Mar 02, 2016: India: Pentecostal Christians seek protection
Feb 28, 2016: Formerly Muslim doctor now evangelizes, plants churches AND treats patients
Feb 27, 2016: Muslims converting to Christianity in Nigeria, despite brutal persecution
Feb 23, 2016: When you worry …
Feb 23, 2016: Do you feel your joy, your peace, your life has been ruined?
Feb 22, 2016: Messiah in the Books of the Bible
Feb 22, 2016: Interesting facts about the Bible
Dec. 26, 2016: Wonder what the Face of God looks like?
Dec. 20, 2016: At the sound of Jesus’ voice, militants toppled, guns blown from their hand
Dec. 13, 2016: Saharan snake bites Muslim woman, Jesus heals, family believes
Dec. 10, 2016: UN Petition from Muslim women seeking ban on female genital mutilation (FGM)
Dec. 7, 2016: 41 former Muslims baptised!
Nov. 27, 2016: Guide us to the straight path (Gospel tract for Muslims)
Nov. 19, 2016: Militants firebomb home of Bibles for Mideast women; two seriously injured
Nov. 10, 2016: 98-year-old Sri Lankan pastor carries on in the Lord's ministry
Nov. 4, 2016: Islamists march for ouster of Christian Governor in Indonesia
Oct. 20, 2016: 1,268 baptisms and many miracles in three days!
Oct. 10, 2016: 1,200 former Muslims prepare for baptism
Oct. 9, 2016: Pope Francis and Canterbury Archbishop Justin want Christian unity
Oct. 2, 2016: Heavenly dust storm protects newly-baptized from militant gunfire
Sept. 28, 2016: Christian teacher in Pakistan threatened with death unless he converts to Islam
Sept. 15, 2016: Jesus casts Satan from Muslim girl; her healing brings her family to Christ
Sept. 8, 2016: Testimony of Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast, a former Muslim
Aug. 23, 2016: Still no answers five years after teenage sisters murdered for reading the Bible
Aug. 8: 2016: Man learns the truth in Jesus' words, 'Better to lose one eye than go to hell with both'
Aug. 1, 2016: Hindu woman monk becomes part of the bride of Christ!
July 29, 2016: Terrorists who abducted Catholic Priest Tom Uzhunnalil arrested
July 25, 2016: Muslim father kills daughter; Jesus raises her from the dead
July 18, 2016: Update on 18 baptized in Middle East
July 17, 2016: Eighteen former Muslims baptized in the Middle East
July 13, 2016: Muslim extremist stabs pastors; their love and forgiveness lead him and his family to Jesus
July 10, 2016: From Hindu Indian royalty to daughter of the King of Kings
July 6, 2016: Reji Joseph, who was abducted in Libya, rescued
July 6, 2016: Hindu woman battled cancer and skin disease, finds fiery healing in Jesus
July 2, 2016: Thalaikoothal: the crude ritual killing of the elderly in India
June 30, 2016: Muslim man starves and burns 10-year-old son for accepting Jesus as Lord
June 20, 2016: Abducted missionaries miraculously rescued from terrorists in Middle East!
June 14, 2016: Missionaries of Bibles for Mideast abducted in the Middle East
June 13, 2016: Bibles for Mideast missionaries brutally attacked; one in critical condition
June 10, 2016: 12 Arabs in Middle East newly-baptized!
June 6, 2016: Christian grocer and Police Superintendent’s wife latest murdered by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh
May 18, 2016: Members of Middle Eastern Muslim family now worship Jesus!
May 15, 2016: Woman from Hindu priestly family healed and saved by Jesus: now serves Him!
May 12, 2016: Young girl goes through heaven with Jesus, comes back healed!
May 2, 2016: Siblings of Hindu priestly family accept Jesus; now face persecution
April 24, 2016: Daughter of Muslim ruler under house arrest for Christian faith
April 11, 2016: Radical Muslim terrorist ‘terrified’ by the Light of Jesus now serves as pastor!
April 5, 2016: Indian Christian abducted in Libya
April 3, 2016: Bedridden Arab Muslim woman healed by Jesus; she and her family now believe
March 31, 2016: Jesus protects persecuted new convert from Islam by the 'power of His right hand'
March 25, 2016: Malaysian High Court: A Muslim has the right to embrace Christianity
March 23, 2016: Muslim slaughter of Christians in Asia and the Middle East
March 22, 2016: Convert from Islam stabbed to death in Bangladesh
March 20, 2016: Four Bible translators murdered in Middle East
March 1, 2016: Letter from US Lawmakers to the Prime Minister of India on intolerance
March 1, 2016: India: Pentecostal Christians seek protection
Feb. 28. 2016: Formerly Muslim doctor now evangelizes, plants churches AND treats patients
Feb. 26, 2016: Muslims converting to Christianity in Nigeria, despite brutal persecution
Feb. 23, 2016: When you worry ...
Feb. 23, 2016: Do you feel your joy, your peace, your life has been ruined?
Feb. 22, 2016: Messiah in the Books of the Bible
Feb. 22, 2016: Interesting facts about the Bible
Dec. 20, 2016: At the sound of Jesus’ voice, militants toppled, guns blown from their hands
Dec. 13, 2016: Saharan snake bites Muslim woman, Jesus heals, family believes
Dec. 10, 2016: UN Petition from Muslim women seeking ban on female genital mutilation (FGM)
Dec. 7, 2016: 41 former Muslims baptized!
Nov. 22, 2016: Guide us to the straight path
Nov. 19, 2016: Militants firebomb home of Bibles for Mideast women; two seriously injured
Nov. 10, 2016: 98-year-old Sri Lankan pastor carries on in the Lord's ministry
Nov. 4, 2016: Islamists march for ouster of Christian Governor in Indonesia
Oct. 20, 2016: 1,268 baptisms and many miracles in three days!
Oct. 10, 2016: 1,200 former Muslims prepare for baptism
Oct. 9, 2016: Pope Francis and Canterbury Archbishop Justin want Christian unity
Oct. 2, 2016: Heavenly dust storm protects newly-baptized from militant gunfire
Sept. 28, 2016: Christian teacher in Pakistan threatened with death unless he converts to Islam
Sept. 15, 2016: Jesus casts Satan from Muslim girl; her healing brings her family to Christ
Sept. 8, 2016: Testimony of Pastor Paul of Bibles for Mideast, a former Muslim
Aug. 23, 2016: Still no answers five years after teenage sisters murdered for reading the Bible
Aug. 8, 2016: Man learns the truth in Jesus' words, 'Better to lose one eye than go to hell with both'
Aug. 1, 2016: Hindu woman monk becomes part of the bride of Christ!
July 29, 2016: Terrorists who abducted Catholic Priest Tom Uzhunnalil arrested
July 25, 2016: Muslim father kills daughter; Jesus raises her from the dead
July 18, 2016: Update on 18 baptized in Middle East
July 17, 2016: Eighteen former Muslims baptized in the Middle East
July 13, 2016: Muslim extremist stabs pastors; their love and forgiveness lead him and his family to Jesus
July 10, 2016: From Hindu Indian royalty to daughter of the King of Kings
July 6, 2016: Reji Joseph, who was abducted in Libya, rescued
July 6, 2016: Hindu woman battled cancer and skin disease, finds fiery healing in Jesus
July 2, 2016: Thalaikoothal: the crude ritual killing of the elderly in India
June 30, 2016: Muslim man starves and burns 10-year-old son for accepting Jesus as Lord
June 20, 2016: Abducted missionaries miraculously rescued from terrorists in Middle East
June 14, 2016: Missionaries of Bibles for Mideast abducted in the Middle East
June 13, 2016: Bibles for Mideast missionaries brutally attacked; one in critical condition
June 10, 2016: 12 Arabs in Middle East newly-baptized!
June 6, 2016: Christian grocer and Police Superintendent’s wife latest murdered by Islamic extremists in Bangladesh
May 18, 2016: Members of Middle Eastern Muslim family now worship Jesus!
May 15, 2016: Woman from Hindu priestly family healed and saved by Jesus: now serves Him!
May 12, 2016: Young girl goes through heaven with Jesus, comes back healed!
May 2, 2016: Siblings of Hindu priestly family accept Jesus; now face persecution
April 24, 2016: Daughter of Muslim ruler under house arrest for Christian faith
April 11, 2016: Radical Muslim terrorist ‘terrified’ by the Light of Jesus now serves as pastor!
April 5, 2016: Indian Christian abducted in Libya
April 3, 2016: Bedridden Arab Muslim woman healed by Jesus; she and her family now believe
March 31, 2016: Jesus protects persecuted new convert from Islam by the 'power of His right hand'
March 25, 2016: Malaysian High Court: A Muslim has the right to embrace Christianity
March 23, 2016: Muslim slaughter of Christians in Asia and the Middle East
March 22, 2016: Convert from Islam stabbed to death in Bangladesh
March 20, 2016: Four Bible translators murdered in Middle East
March 1, 2016: Letter from US Lawmakers to the Prime Minister of India on intolerance
March 1, 2016: India: Pentecostal Christians seek protection
Feb. 28, 2016: Formerly Muslim doctor now evangelizes, plants churches AND treats patients
Feb. 26, 2016: Muslims converting to Christianity in Nigeria, despite brutal persecution
Feb. 23, 2016: When you worry ...
Feb. 23, 2016: Do you feel your joy, your peace, your life has been ruined?
Feb. 22, 2016: Messiah in the Books of the Bible
Feb. 22, 2016: Interesting facts about the Bible